
v2.0.0 (2022-05-03)


  • Dropped support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 (both have reached EOL).


  • Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, and added 3.11 pre-releases to test-suite.
  • Fully annotated the project and added a py.typed to make the package PEP 561-compliant.
  • Added a get_minimum_due_date utility function for retrieving the earliest valid due date for a payment request.
  • Added a validate_due_date kwarg to the add_payment_request Assignment method, to optionally perform due date validation. When enabled, due dates less than the minimum (4 calendar days in the future, offset by holidays) or more than the maximum (12 months in the future) will raise an exception.


v1.3.0 (2020-06-10)

  • Drop support for Python 3.4, which has reached end of life.
  • Python 3.8 is now explicitly supported. No changes was required to the library, but the test suite now runs on Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

v1.2.0 (2018-11-22)

  • Python 3.7 is now explicitly supported. No changes was required to the library, but the test suite now runs on Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
  • Require attrs >= 17.4, and replace all use of the deprecated keyword argument convert with converter so that netsgiro can continue working with attrs relases after January 2019.
  • Format code with Black.

v1.1.0 (2017-10-23)

Record parsing and writing are now tested with an additional suite of property based tests, using the Hypothesis library. This testing effort identified a number of issues, all of which are fixed by this release.

v1.0.0 (2017-05-20)

No changes from v1.0.0a3, which has been used in production for a few weeks without any issues.

v1.0.0a3 (2017-05-03)

v1.0.0a2 (2017-04-26)

Major improvements and changes.

  • The objects API now supports parsing all known file variants with netsgiro.parse() and can recreate the parsed OCR data perfectly with netsgiro.Transmission.to_ocr().
  • The objects API now does all the bookkeeping necessary for building payment requests. With this improvement, the code necessary to produce a payment request is cut to from around 100 to 25 lines of code.
  • New quickstart guide shows how to parse files and build payment requests.
  • All public methods and fields of both the objects API and records API are now documented.
  • The low-level records API has been moved to the netsgiro.records module.

v1.0.0a1 (2017-04-17)

Initial alpha release. No promises about backwards compatibility.